As I entered the mall, I was surprised when I saw all the people seemed to be sweaty - almost all were fanning themselves. I learned that the mall's aircondition system went down for almost several hours. My friend and I decided to see the movie 2012. I saw long lines in the ticket booth. There were like 6 cinemas to accommodate the movie. The moviegoers were all oblivious of the heat - all were patiently waiting for their turns. I asked one of the staffs of the moviehouse and she said that the AC was also out inside the cinema but blowers were being used as an alternative. She even escorted us inside the cinema so that we could feel it ourselves. It wasn't as warm as I expected...it seemed to be ok. So we decided to fall in line. If it wasn't free then maybe I would have to wait the next day to see the movie but my friend has free ticket and so I obliged.
The movie was really a treat! It wasn't a waste of money (of course, it was free after all). I really felt that I remained at the edge of my seat through the entire length of the movie! I also literally felt the heat of the melting core of the earth (the AC was down inside the cinema). The visual effects was spectacular. It's definitely a movie to see for friends and family.
Rating: B+
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