10 Years ago, only a few got laptops and notebooks. Now, you can see them just about anywhere. The prices reduced significantly. New brands also appeared. It's one of the must-have gadgets after cell phones. Computer notebooks most common accessories are bags and cases. There are various brands that offer comfort, endurance and safety for your notebooks. But what brand is really reliable yet affordable.
The most common brands for bags and cases for your notebooks are Belkin and Case Logic. These bags are affordable and they are designed to protect your laptops from simple bumps to accidentally dropping your notebooks. I have bought both brands for my Macbook Pro, 15". If I have to compare which brand is affordable and reliable, I have to choose Belkin bags.
Why Belkin?
Most Belkin products have sleek and minimal design. It's so simple and clean. There are variety of colors to choose from. If you compare the prices between Case Logic and Belkin, say you opt for 15" notebook bag, the latter is a tad cheaper than the former. The foam-like pouch that protect your notebook is surprisingly so much thicker compared to that of the Case Logic. This part of the bag is crucial since it protects your laptops from minor to major bumps.
I would also suggest to buy Belkin bags on its store. Don't you know that there is only one Belkin Store here in Asia? It can be found in the 4th floor SM Annex, North Edsa. I also noticed that if you purchased any Belkin product, example an FM transmitter for your car/ipod and you buy it in other store which has that item, Belkin store has cheaper price. Recently, my friend and I bought an FM transmitter. In Mac center, its price is Php 2,900. In Belkin store, the same item cost only Php 2,700.
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