In a span of one month, almost 3 of my friends bought Macbook Pro. Two of them bought the 15" and another bought the 13in MBP. But, of course, Windows-based computers still reigns the market share and a great number of households owns a PC. It also depends upon the firm or organization. Most of design firms use Mac computers. Since my field of specialization is in multimedia and most of my friends are in design world, then most of them also opt to use Macs. It's not about the elitism that one would buy a mac but because of its performance and reliability.
I think it's not really the hardware alone that constitutes to Macs stability, but more so, it is the operating system, Mac OS 10.6. I also own a desktop PC running on Windows 7. It's more stable and faster than its predecessor - Windows XP and Widnows Vista. However, comparing it with Mac OS 10.6 (Snow Leopard) makes Windows 7 still come off second best - from start up to shut down!
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